New Beginnings

Once a place where I kept track of my teaching as a Graduate Student, this is now home to my rants and raves as a teacher. I still have a lot to learn about teaching and about myself as a teacher. Here, I will document my journey, both the good and the bad, so I can successfully reflect on others' methods of teaching as well as my own. Enjoy!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Picture Day!!

Friday, September 24, 2010


Today was picture day. :) All the 5th graders went out to the play ground structure to take their whole-grade photo, teachers included. We then took individual photos (ours will be used for new security badges) and began the academic portion of the day with chorus. The class did fabulously today by working quietly. The rest of the day went well, too, considering the schedule was off. I can't wait until they schedule steadies out and remains the same. It amazes me how much these kids rely on the structure of a day.

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