New Beginnings

Once a place where I kept track of my teaching as a Graduate Student, this is now home to my rants and raves as a teacher. I still have a lot to learn about teaching and about myself as a teacher. Here, I will document my journey, both the good and the bad, so I can successfully reflect on others' methods of teaching as well as my own. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Here we go!

In thinking about how I would start logging information for my portfolio, I reveled in a student teacher's idea of creating a blog (thanks ED!!). it goes! I hope to blog every school night, and this is the area I will be keeping info needed for my graduate program. Therefore, I will record everything I need to construct a successful compilation of my year as a Graduate Intern in a 5th grade integrated classroom.

The key players during my journey to becoming a teacher are my teacher-mentors. For the sake of being anonymous, the regular education mentor will be referred to as REM in this blog while the Special Education Mentor will be SPEM. The other two teachers in this program, who the class rotates to for science and social studies, will be referred to as Nod and Sunshine, respectively. No real names of children or adults will be used here either.

We're in the third week of school, so I have a bit of catching up to do!

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